Who we are

Meet the team

Philip Cooper

Senior Manager

Main Practice Area

General practice – accounts preparation, personal tax, corporate tax, VAT, remuneration planning and company secretarial.

Career rundown

I started out at Abbey National in 1982 before moving to George McKenzie & Co in 1982 to 1985. For six years I then moved on to Deloitte before starting with Richard Place Dobson (then Christopher Dobson & Co) in 1992.

What would you be if you weren’t an accountant?

Motor racing driver or racing team member.

Your favourite band


Your favourite holiday destination

Greek Islands

What did you want to be “when you grew up”?

Happy and content with life.

Your favourite author

James Herbert

What’s your lifetime ambition?

To set another one each time I achieve it.

What makes you laugh?

Usually pain, at somebody else’s expense!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Get out on my motorcycle, touring around Europe.

Your greatest achievement

Swimming club Mens Senior Club Champion in the 1970s.

One thing that you learned at school that has helped you in your professional life

Persistence is key.

Feel as if we could be right for you?

If you want to move things forward, or need to ask a few more questions, give us a call or send an email to get the conversation going.