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RPD Blog

May 30, 2024

Team Day at The Hawth: Strengthening Bonds and Embracing Growth

At Richard Place Dobson (RPD), we believe that our strength lies in our people. To reinforce our commitment to team growth and continuous improvement, we recently organised a team day at The Hawth. This event was a perfect blend of learning, reflection, and fun, providing an excellent opportunity for the entire team to come together and engage in meaningful activities.

The day kicked off with an icebreaker where we had to find as many similarities as we could with our fellow colleagues. This simple yet effective activity set a positive tone for the day, improving camaraderie amongst the team. Following this, our leadership team presented the latest company updates, sharing insights on how RPD is evolving and what lies ahead. We discussed how the business has been performing, highlighting new strategies, goals, and initiatives. 

A significant part of the morning was dedicated to sharing client feedback. Hearing firsthand what our clients appreciate and where we can improve is invaluable. This session allowed the team to reflect on our services and adapt to better meet our clients’ needs.

The afternoon was both insightful and entertaining. We started with a couple of exercises led by Joe Cheal from Imaginarium, focusing on identifying our personality types. Understanding our own and others’ personality traits is crucial for effective communication and teamwork Joe guided us through an analysis of opposite personality traits, helping us see what would make these traits beneficial or challenging in a client. This exercise was all about understanding how to manage different personality types within our own clients and workforce.

After these insightful activities, it was time for some fun. The team engaged in various games and team-building exercises designed to strengthen the group and provide a bit of light-hearted relief. These activities were not just about having fun; they were about building a stronger, more cohesive team that could work together seamlessly.

Living Our Values

Our team day at The Hawth was a testament to RPD’s commitment to its core values:

  • Being Friendly: The day’s activities created a friendly and supportive environment, helping us build stronger relationships.
  • Being Proud: Sharing client feedback and discussing our achievements allowed us to celebrate our successes and recognise the hard work of every team member.
  • Having Fun: The team-building activities provided a perfect balance of work and play, reminding us that enjoying our time together is just as important as the work we do.

As we look to the future, we are more committed than ever to delivering exceptional service to our clients and making a positive impact in our community.

If you would like to learn more about our team, our values, or how we can assist you, please visit our website or contact us directly. Together, we can achieve great things.

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