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Sep 9, 2021

RPD Were ‘On Par’ In Charity Footgolf Championship

Richard Place Dobson (RPD), Crawley based Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors, hosted their second annual Footgolf event last month and raised an incredible £2,744 for St Catherine’s Hospice – tripling the amount raised from their first year.

Established in 1983, St Catherine’s Hospice is a local charity providing expert hospice and end-of-life care for people in West Sussex and East Surrey. They help around 2,100 terminally ill people, family members, friends and carers each year in their homes, at their day Hospice, and on their wards.

Matthew Tyson, Managing Director at RPD, said: “St Catherine’s touches the hearts of so many people. One of our footgolf entrants sadly lost a brother only a few weeks ago, and a few others have lost loved ones during the Covid crisis, many of whom benefitted from the existence of the hospice in their final days. As a firm, RPD selects a charity each year based on nominations from all its team members; a vote decides the winner”.

RPD were overwhelmed with the number of teams that signed up for the event this year, so much so that they held two sessions to cater for the 29 teams, one at 16:00 and the second at 18:00. The world number 1 Foot Golfer, Ben Clarke, also joined and supported the event this year by ‘donating himself’ to two teams.

Congratulations to DMH Stallard and Homes Partnership for winning their respective sessions. DMH Stallard were overall champions! Lawrence Morley of DMH Stallard recorded the evening’s longest drive, and Paul Calloway of Homes Partnership won the nearest pin competition.

Hopefully, RPD’s next event will see a return for the annual quiz night in February, circumstances permitting. If you would like to get involved with fundraising activities, please get in touch with RPD.

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